Andrew Murray said "How often the ‘busyness’ of life can creep up and overwhelm us. Rather than depending upon our own strength, as Christians it is our privileged birthright to enter into a daily time of reverent meditation and silence, waiting only upon God for: His answers to our problems, His direction in our lives, and, most importantly, His awesome presence refreshing our spirits and teaching us more about Himself."

Thank you, Jesus, that we can enter into Your presence and find the sustenance for life, joy, peace, and wisdom. You are such an awesome God! May we daily pray for the longing to know you in a deeper, richer, and fuller relationship.

Friday, September 27, 2013


Life is full of change and transition. This truth is universally known. And yet, rather than embracing this unavoidable phenomenon, we often find ourselves swirling in the churn of tentative moments, wondering about the next step, the best path, the right option -- all the while acknowledging the prospect of being forced into an uncomfortable unknown. 

At best, we are the author of our change, boldly declaring our intent to move in a different direction.

 In this moving out, we embrace the adrenaline rush moments that shape the new future, confident in our ability to direct our days, joyful in the prospect of dreams fulfilled or achievements accomplished.

At worst, we feel the frozen awe of the helpless bystander watching life take over and dictate our moves with a force that takes our breath away, the seemingly hapless events of a day gone bad now defining our emotions and thoughts.

In those awkward moments of confusion from both planned and unexpected change, we ask ourselves and God that all consuming question, "What is the purpose?"  We long to know the meaning. Patience and endurance live within the walls of the "why?".  The foundation of this house must be solid, in order for true meaning to be found in the ups and downs of life. 

Upon what is your foundation built?

It is the very vicissitudes of life that test our foundation. May yours be found secure in Christ and Christ alone.

Seek not to understand that thou mayest believe, 
but believe that thou mayest understand.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Christmas Message

Galatians 4:4-6
God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, 'Abba Father!'

Have you fully accepted the power and work of grace in your life? Or do you still try to win God's favor by your good deeds and self-effort? The pull to perform is an ever-present enemy, robbing Christ's redeemed of their peace and their true source of power. I feel the pressure as I go about my day. When I surrender to those voices that demand perfection and my own strength to be wise, holy and just plain wonderful, I end up discouraged and defeated at the end of the day.

However, if I surrender to the truth of my position as a redeemed child that has been made holy through the precious blood of Jesus Christ, I find that I can gain a sense of peace and purpose. My daily tasks, my interpersonal relationships, and my words are subject to His guiding and leading.

I openly confess my inability to accomplish anything in my own strength and wisdom. It is only accomplished as we allow Him to lead. And not just a token nod at giving him control -- I mean a genuine release of our will. He can spot a fake from a mile away. Don't just go through the motions but present to Him an honest heart that is longing to live the life that He wants to give you.

The grace-filled life is possible in real time, every day, every minute of the day.

Because God sent forth His Son---we have life everlasting.

Because God sent forth His Son--we have been made righteous.

Because God sent forth His Son--we are called the children of God.

Because we are his sons and daughters--we have the Spirit of His Son in our hearts!!

Galatians 4:4-6
God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, 'Abba Father!'

Monday, July 2, 2012

Murray Meditations: The Day the Fire Raged

Colorado Springs, Colorado June 2012
Man's destiny appears clearly in God's language at creation. It was to fill, to subdue, and to have dominion over the earth and everything in it. 
A. Murray

There is nothing so terrifying as a raging fire blasting through homes as if they were made of paper, destroying everything in its path. The heat and smoke create a surreal landscape of terror. People running for safety, running for dear life, running from horror. Unfortunately, the residents of Colorado Springs know this feeling all too well. Chaos erupted this past week in my neighborhood, as the fire that was lurking behind a ridge took a sudden and swift turn towards our beautiful city. It was as if the hounds of hell had been loosed and were bent on total destruction. I think maybe they were. The battle certainly raged. In those moments, having "dominion over the earth" seemed an absurdity! And yet, that is the plan.

The destinies of the world were given into the power of the wishes, the will, and the prayers of man. 
A. Murray

During these trying times, some people denounced prayer as a useless activity. One newspaper columnist even editorialized about the time and energy that was being wasted in prayer. I respectfully beg to differ. Millions of prayers have been lifted to our Heavenly Father from faithful followers of Christ, seeking His aid in controlling the out-of-control fires that raged and His mercy for those that were part of this devastation. Did they pray in vain? I think not. The hounds are on the run, the fire is 70% contained, many homes and lives have been saved, and our beloved Glen Eyrie has been spared.  Only time will reveal the many thousand acts of heroism. I know that countless people have given their money, their homes, their food and their love to the displaced members of our community. The thousands of firefighters, police officers, soldiers, and first responders have served us well with their selfless, tireless acts of courage and fortitude. Many risked their lives to save others. Satan did not gain a victory over our city, but rather Jesus' love has been spread abroad in many great and small deeds. Is prayer a waste of time? I repeat again, "I think not!"

As image bearer and representative of God on earth, redeemed man will by his prayers determine the history of this earth. 
A. Murray

Oh, dear one, don't give up on prayer. Prayer reaches out to our only source of power. It is our right as God's emissaries here on earth and our privilege as His beloved children to petition him and in so doing, change the pages of history.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Unveiled Faces

"The outstanding characteristic of a Christian is this unveiled frankness before God so that the life becomes a mirror for other lives" Oswald Chambers

How has God created you--unique in your own special way? You are one of a kind. There is no one else like you. You are specially crafted to further His work here on earth, to mirror His glory, to reflect His image. For this, you are created.

You look into a mirror and  see your reflection. Others look into your mirror---your beautiful face---and what do they see? They should see God's face reflected back at them: His love shining through your eyes, His truth coming from your lips, His glory emanating from your countenance.

I am no different from you-- I am designed to be used by God. He has gifted me in ways that are unique to me. Not only has He gifted me, but He gives me the grace every day to walk in confidence, boldly using my gifts -- not for my own gain or pleasure, but solely for His glory and goodness.

And how do we become that reflector? By spending time with Him. When we spend time with Him, we become like Him. We absorb His glory, and then we take that glory out to the world.

"You always know when a man has been beholding the glory of the Lord, you feel in your inner spirit that he is the mirror of the Lord's own character." Oswald Chambers

Don't let the busyness of the day crowd out time with your heavenly Father. Fall at His feet every day and confess that, in your own strength, you are nothing. Your efforts are limited and often futile. Your good deeds always fall short when they spring out of your own strength. Surrender your life, your time and your talents to Him. Let Him fill you from the ground up until you are full and overflowing and your eyes gaze out upon the world with His love and compassion, until your lips speak His truth, until your hands bring His healing and life in His name, for His glory.

Rise up from your secret chamber, renewed in your devotion to Him and your understanding of how He has  gifted YOU to be His ambassador to a hurting world.

II Corinthians 3: 18
And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Murray Meditations: What Do You Want?

Once upon a time, a blind man sat begging. Not an unusual scene. One often sees people of all varieties begging on the street.  However, in this particular story there is a powerful twist. Bartimaeus, was a very fortunate beggar. "What?" you say. "Whoever heard of a fortunate beggar? They are all destitute and far from fortunate."  Not so! This man's pleas fell upon the ears of Jesus, the Son of God. What luck! Finally, someone with some real power. He seemed to realize his good fortune, because he called out loudly and repeatedly, even though the crowd around him tried to shut him up. His cry? "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! Son of David, have mercy on me!" (Mark 10:46-48)  What was Jesus' response? "What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked him. The blind man said, "Rabbi, I want to see." (Mark :51-52)

I am confused by Jesus' question. Did He not know what this beggar needed of Him? Yes, I am sure that He did. And yet, Jesus insists that Bartimaeus tell him exactly what he wants. Not because He needed to be told, but because Bartimaeus needed to hear himself say it.

I am blind Bartimaeus in the street, calling out to the God of the universe for mercy. And His reply to me --"what do you want?" Do I know the answer to this question? If I don't know, then I must search my heart until I find the answer. 

When we speak out loud the things that we long for, we begin to know our hearts in a way that vague pleas for mercy or blessing do not reveal. And in the knowing, we find our true focus in life. 

What are the longings that drive you? Jesus asks  us to give voice to those longings in specific, focused detail. Do you know what you want from Jesus? Andrew Murray teaches us that in the journey towards effective praying, we must know what we want and pray in faith, believing there will be an answer. In our school of prayer, we learn to verbalize "distinct expressions of definite need" (Murray). It is possible that staying vague seems safer. I can pray for blessings and mercy, and often see the answers all around. Yes, there are many joys in each day that I can claim as the answer. How much riskier does it seem to give God a specific need, and wait for Him to fill that need. Or...wait for Him to say "no". Step out in faith and take the risk! God is waiting to pour out His supernatural abundance if we are willing to ask.

Oh, Spirit of the Living God, show me the way to pray, with truth and wisdom. In my own sphere of living, may I lift up my family, friend, co-workers and neighbors in prayer, not for selfish wants and ease of living, but for heaven's sake and Your glory.

But if, as in silence of the soul we bow before the Lord, we were ready to answer questions such as these:
  • What is now really my desire? 
  • Do I desire it in faith, expecting to receive? 
  • Am I now ready to place and leave it there in the Father's bosom? 
  • Is it settled between God and me that I am to have the answer?
--we should learn to pray in such a way that God will see and we would know what we really expect. A. Murray

Mark 11: 24
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Murray Meditations: Cause and Effect

Sometimes, I've wondered why we pray. Isn't God all knowing and everywhere at once? He understands what we need even before we speak it. He  knows our hearts, our thoughts, and our longings better than we know ourselves. I know He is able to do all things.

And yet, we repeatedly see in His Word this command to pray.

Luke 10:2
And he said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."

As it turns out, I am in good company with my pondering. Andrew Murray, in chapter Nine of his book The School of Prayer asks similar questions! Murray puzzles over the fact that  the Lord commands his disciples to pray for laborers in the harvest.

 Murray musings:
  • Couldn't He have prayed Himself? 
  • And wouldn't one prayer of His accomplish more than a thousand of theirs? 
  • And God, the Lord of the harvest, did He not see the need? is a mystery! Why does the God of the universe ask me to pray for laborers in the harvest? I am beginning to approach a baby sized understanding of the power that prayer wields here on earth. A small seed of truth is being planted in my heart as I read the Word, and ask the Spirit to guide me. The small seed is starting the slow process of germination. The baby plant that is hidden in the seed pod is growing and cracking open that pod, sprouting little roots into the soil and searching out food, water and sun.

The answers to such questions will convince us that prayer is a power on which the gathering of the harvest and the coming of the kingdom do in very truth depend. A. Murray

In my limited, finite mind, I start to grasp the fact that our prayers are a cause and effect phenomenon. Prayer is an action that demands a reaction. God knows what I need, but He wants me to turn to Him and ask Him to be my Provider. I get to choose. Do I want His help or do I want to figure it out on my own? Or maybe I would prefer the help of my best friend. She has great advice. How many times do I turn to pop psychology for answers, when I should have prayed to my Abba Father?

This Father, that is also a friend, partners with me as a co-creator in the story of our journey here on earth. Our prayers initiate a supernatural partnering with humanity that brings about God's answers. The all-knowing God waits for us to turn to Him, confess the need and believe in faith that He has the perfect solution. The one and only God of the universe has ALL of the answers, if I will just seek Him in prayer.

The veil that hides the invisible world from us was wonderfully transparent to the holy human soul of Jesus. He had looked long and deep and far into the hidden connection of cause and effect in the spiritual world. A. Murray

So wonderful is the surrender of His work to His Church, so dependent has the Lord made Himself on them as His Body through whom His work can be done, so real is the power the Lord gives His people to exercise in heaven and earth, that the number of laborers and the measure of the harvest actually depends on their prayers. A. Murray

Oh, precious child of God, may you know without a shadow of a doubt that you, too, have this authority to call the powers of heaven to your aid. You have the awesome responsibility of bringing forth laborers in the harvest. Upon you and your faithfulness depends the work of heaven here on earth.

About Me

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As a child my best friends were the characters in my favorite books. Ann Shirley was a kindred spirit and Jo March was a role model for life and all things wonderful. I rode the back of the black stallion as he flew down the race track, his hot foamy breath filling my nostrils. And of course, the Hardy brothers stole my heart and captured my imagination. I fell in love with words and the pictures one can paint with a finely crafted story. Writing is a sacred endeavor. It is my prayer that the words that grace this page will be pleasing to you and to my Creator.

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